Sunday Snippet: Holy Cats! It’s December!
Wow. It’s December! How did that happen? Just last week, it was Halloween, right? Somehow, days slip by and the holidays are nigh and I have a book due in about 6 weeks… So, I’m writing in the mornings, working on editing gigs in the afternoon, and trying to get holiday stuff done in the evenings. All in all, breathing is out of the question until after January 15, 2022.
That’s not really true…I am taking a breath now and again, and as I look at my December calendar, there isn’t all that much on it. The overwhelm only feels…well…overwhelming. But I can do it. I’ve done it before and it’s all going to be okay. Bird-by-bird, right? I wish I had some really fun news, but I got nothing right now, so…
Here are some fun pics for you of Grandboy helping us decorate when he and Son came over last night. We missed DIL, who was working an event, but we sure enjoyed supper and bringing holiday joy to our house, which still feels new, albeit, not as much as it did last Christmas. Enjoy!
Stay well, stay safe, wear your mask, and most of all stay grateful!