New Week; Big Gratitude
This is the start of a brand new week and although I haven’t done my gratitude days for a while, I have a really good reason for my absence, which will be revealed here one week from today. In the meantime, let’s talk about…whatever.
Right off, what the heck happened to fall? I mean, the leaves started changing, we had a few brisk days and suddenly, oh my gosh! It’s winter–like below freezing temps and snow! Now, I’ll grant you, the snow didn’t stick, but the temperatures in the 20s and teens sure did! Leaves are falling off the trees like crazy up here at the lake and poor old Husband nearly froze his bum off taking the boat around to the launch to pull it for the winter. However, it is now safe in storage and we are heading in the direction of getting the cottage ready for winter as well.

I’ve been crazy busy getting ready for the release of Christmas with You–book 3 in the Four Irish Brothers Winery series. That happens November 21 and then the Book Blast with Goddess Fish Promotions happens December 2 through 6. There’ll be fun prizes and giveaways during that week, so stay tuned and watch for announcements on Facebook and Twitter.
I gotta tell you, I love this story. Aidan is such a great character and Holly grew stronger and became quite a good woman by the end of the story. It’s fun to watch your characters develop as you write their story. Character arcs are probably the best part of creating a story, although setting runs a close second. Well, and secondary characters are a blast, too. I guess I love everything about writing.
Speaking of writing, I’ve got something new brewing in my head that I’m hoping will turn into a proposal for my publisher. It’s something different than I’ve ever written before, but I think I can pull it off. I have a friend who writes this genre (nope, it’s a secret until I see if my publisher is interested), so I’m going to contact him and process the idea with him and get his opinion. We’ll see…
So for now, that’s the news that’s fit to print. Be sure to check back here next week for big news! Can’t wait to share it with y’all! Until then, gratitude for this week is my family, my friends, time to write, changes coming together for the good, and always, my readers, who keep me focused on what’s next.
Remember to hold your face to the sun, be grateful for all things, and love well. ~Nan~