Mom’s Wish for Me
I was going to title this post, “Today I’m Finally an Author.” But when I posted that thought on my Facebook page, my critique partner shook a virtual finger at me and scolded, “First — you’ve ALWAYS been an author. Now, you’re just a published author.” Then I remembered a StoryWonk post from last week, when Lani and Alastair said words to the effect that if you complete a novel, even if only one other person reads it, you are a novelist.
I am a novelist. I sent my novel, Rule Number One, to Bookstrand Publishing and they offered to publish it. I’m accepting their offer. So now, I’m going to be a published novelist, something I’ve dreamed of since I was ten years old and began writing stories that I couldn’t keep confined to my imagination. I still can’t quiet the people in my mind, characters banging around in my head, anxious for their stories to be told.
My mother always believed in me as a writer–when I was in my early twenties, she gave me a journal for my birthday. She inscribed the first page like this:
To My Nan, because when you’re a famous author, someone will need to put together your memoirs and this will help. Love, Mom
I got that journal out tonight after I received the offer from Bookstrand. It’s full of my very young thoughts and dreams and experiences, some bad poetry, and dozens of ideas for stories. I don’t know that I’ll ever be a famous author or that anyone will want to put together my memoirs, such as they are, but wow. Maybe this is just a tiny step toward Mom’s wish for me.
Cynthia Mueller
Ok just read this post Made me tear up. You had quite the mom>>>>
*Of course* support and faith. All together now, “we’re Betties!”
Congratulations, Nan.
Bask. Just — bask.
Wonderful news. Congratulations.
Thanks, Carol, Fokker, Karen, Sandy, Julie, and Roben! I do hope you all want to read it when it comes out! Love your support and faith in me!
Betty Fokker
I am extremely happy for you and CANNOT wait to buy your book!
Karen (Betty Bear)
That’s really sweet. Go Nan’s Mom! And congratulations again.
Sandy James
I’m so happy for you, and I’m proud of how hard you’ve worked to make this happen! 😀
robena grant
Awesome, Nan. Really awesome. Congratulations again. And what an amazing mother to realize her daughter’s dreams, to recognize and champion them, that’s truly what being a mom is all about.