I’m Back! Weekend Writing Warriors 8-Sentence Sunday #8
I missed last Sunday, but it was for a good cause. I was out visiting Son, DIL, and darling Grandboy. My treat for all the weeks of work I’ve been doing. So this week, you not only get a snippet from my current WIP, you also get pictures—Grandboy in all his overwhelming cuteness and even one with sister, PJ! After you read today’s snippet, scroll to the bottom of this post—you won’t be sorry!
Last time in the snippet from Like Fine Wine, Julie was amazed to realize that her feminine emotions weren’t dead at all as Will misreads her expression and hugs her. But when he looks into her eyes again, he can’t resist and he kisses her… And yes, I’m teasing you by not giving you the snippet with the kiss because I’m mean like that. But here’s her reaction it…
The therapist had warned me the meds I was taking might dampen my libido. Apparently, she hadn’t counted on Will Brody, because my libido was on point. I slipped one hand under his sweater only to find his undershirt keeping me from the warmth of his bare skin.
When he slid his other hand down my back to my behind, pressing my lower body to his, evidence of his arousal was unmistakable. The feel of his erection against my belly splashed icy reality over me. Oh, sweet Christ in heaven! The last time a hard-on pushed into my stomach like that was on Mackinac Island.
More of both Like Fine Wine and The Music Is You as the weeks progress. Thanks for stopping by and please don’t miss the other Weekend Writing Warriors. Head on over and check out the work of dozens of other writers. You’ll be so glad you did!
Paula Martin
Good snippet – and I love your grandbabies!
Thanks, Paula on both accounts!
Teresa Cypher
Haha! Danged undershirt! Good snippet, Nan!
You’re grandson is a cutie!! Yeppers, you did miss last week for a good reason!
Thanks for coming by, Teresa! Yeah, the kid’s a cutie pie–I’m a granny in love!
Cindy Amrhein ( @historysleuth1 )
Very sexy scene. And romantic. Great job!
Thanks, Cindy! So glad you came by!
Elaine Cantrell
nice excerpt and a cute baby.
Thanks, Elaine!
Kate Warren
Grandboy is adorable! Nice snippet too. I feel so bad for her.
Thank you, Kate. Don’t worry, this is a romance novel…she’s going to be okay! 😉
Linda Morris
Ha, the libido-dampening meds are no match for Will! I loved Rule No. 1 and I’m looking forward to this one. And Grandboy is a doll, but you know that already .
Linda, you’re a sweetie! Thanks so much. I appreciate your support, always, my sister.
Veronica Scott
Your grandbaby is adorable! Enjoyed the excerpt, very sensuous description indeed.
Thanks, Veronica! Glad you stopped by.
robena grant
Nice writing tease. : ) Beautiful grandbaby pics. He really likes the camera, very photogenic. Hope your Easter is a good one.
Thanks, Roben! Isn’t he a kick? Happy Easter to you too, my friend!