This Life...,  Tule Publishing,  Uncategorized,  Writer's moments

Happy New Year!

I’m writing this post on December 30 because I won’t be near my computer on January 1, 2019. I’ll be celebrating the new year with dear friends and hopefully, being pretty much electronics-free. But I didn’t want to miss a chance to start the new year with my best wishes to all my followers and readers for a joyful and peaceful and successful 2019.

It’s been a rough few years for all of us, especially 2018, with the chaos in the country and life feeling so out of our control. My prayer for the country, for my loved ones, and for me is that we chill out. Stop and breathe. Take time to be grateful to be living in a time when every day is a miracle. Slow down. Live each moment because they’re never coming again.

2019 will bring big changes for me and mine and it may for you as well. I plan to enjoy all the new challenges that are coming up, cherish my family and friends and try to see the changes as adventures to be relished, not mountains to be overcome.

I’ll be writing at least two more books in 2019, continuing the Four Irish Brothers Winery series for Tule Publishing, continuing to blog here and Word Wranglers and wherever else I’m welcome, and I’ll be editing to earn my keep.

So all that said, I’m starting 2019 with a gratitude list because I believe firmly that being grateful is the key to happiness. As the new year begins, I’m thankful for my family–my kids, dear Husband, my sister, my brother, and all the others who are in my extended family. I’m grateful for my friends–my besties who keep me sane and writing and on track and who listen graciously and always have my back. I’m glad for the technology that allows me to work and earn money. I’m thankful for Tule Publishing, who took a chance on me and continues to believe in my writing. I’m thankful for my home and for the new home that’s coming up for us in the new year.

Happy New Year to one and all and as always, mes amies, remember to hold your face to the sun, be grateful for all things, and love well.
