Happy New Year…
…and may 2020 bring all of you joy and peace and happiness. I know so many folks are doing a word for the year or making resolutions. I’m not. I’m simply going to make an effort to move forward and enjoy the journey.

I am making some commitments. Not resolutions or huge lifestyle changes, but rather commitments to myself. One to take better care of me in all ways, but mostly by being more mindful each day. A commitment to finishing a book and getting a new series started. That means I need to step away from social media for a bit. I’m not going full-on hiatus, but I am going to cut my Facebook and Twitter time down to once a day. I know that means I’ll miss some things and if I miss something important from you, I’m very sorry. But I am way too distracted by social media and the best thing I can do for myself as I work is to simply stay away.
I’ll be checking in here frequently each week–not sure how many days, but I’m hoping it can be my place to process stories and life in general. I hope you’ll all stop by and join me. I’ll be rethinking the social media hiatus the first of April, and who knows? I may not be able to stick to it. We’ll see, won’t we?
In the meantime, my gratitude for this first day of a new year and a new decade overflows. A few of the multitude of things I’m so thankful for in my life are my family, Husband and Son and Grandboy and DIL and sister…and all the folks who are in my family; my friends–in particular Liz, Moe, Connie, Di, Har and my other lake pals, my church friends, and friends old and new that I’ve found on Facebook; our new house; my writing and my publisher, who always supports me; my health–although I’m getting older, I’m still strong and pretty much healthy and when I’m not, I’m very grateful for my doctor.
My wish for all of you is a peaceful 2020, full of joy and hard work if you’re looking for it and the fulfillment of your dreams. Remember to hold your face to the sun, be grateful in all things, and love well.