8-Sentence Sunday
Here we go, kids…still in the beginning of Novel 3 in the Women of Willow Bay series (this book seriously needs a title!), and still in Captain McGuire’s POV…
Three years later, multimillionaire Salvatore “Sonny” Todaro salvaged the boat, towed it to Chicago, and had it refitted as his own personal yacht. He renamed her Caroline Howe to honor his mother. Now, she was luxurious again, with staterooms outfitted for the ultimate comfort of Todaro and his friends and family.
But the Caroline Howe had another mission—the refit had included state-of-the-art diesel engines that sent the boat moving swiftly over the Great Lakes, and for several years, she’d carried an illegal cargo tucked in secret compartments in the hold. McGuire hated being a part of Todaro’s nefarious activity, but money kept him quiet. It also kept his wife and two young sons safe and warm in a big home in Windsor. At a time when money was scarce and jobs were hard to find, McGuire was willing to take his chances with Todaro rather than stand around on the docks with several hundred others waiting for work on a fishing boat or cargo ship. And at least on the Caroline Howe, he was in charge.
Stay tuned–I’ll be going back and forth between Books 3 and 4 in the series since I’m working on them alternately as the muse moves me. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Please don’t miss the other Weekend Writing Warriors. Head on over and check out the work of dozens of other writers. You’ll be so glad you did!
Oh and watch for some fun, fatabulous, terrific news coming along mid-week…nope, I can’t tell you what it is, but you’ll be so glad you came back here to find out! There’s a swell treat coming along!
Stevie Carroll
A great snippet there.
Thanks, Stevie!
Linda Hamonou
I have the feeling that something bad is going to happen.
You are prescient, Linda… 😉
Gemma Parkes
A man’s gotta do…! Sounds like an exciting read!
Thanks, Gemma!!
This is exciting! A reluctant smuggler. A beautiful boat with secret compartments. Coooool!
So, you’re in, Skye? I’m so glad!
Tina Christopher
Intriguing introduction. You give great insight into the main character with only a few words. Well done.
Thanks, Tina, so glad you stopped by!
Millie Burns
This is a good snapshot of McGuire…gives us a pretty good idea of several of his character traits.
Thanks, Millie!
McGuire seems like a pretty realistic guy. Great snippet!
Thank you, Veronica! On my way to your 8 now…
Teresa Cypher
Wow, I like it, Nan! It needs a title, and to be finished and published so I can read it! 🙂 Good 8. 🙂
Thanks, Teresa–for everything!! Yeah,a title will be a good start toward pubbing…not sure why I haven’t got one yet…
Author Charmaine Gordon
Bad path and dangerous for McGuire. I’m definitely interested in what happens next. Thanks.
Great, Charmaine–glad you’re in! Thank you!