8-Sentence Sunday
Sunday!! Our favorite day because it means we get to taste a snippet of so many great writers’ works in progress. Here’s more of mine–yes, I am a great writer! (Thank you, Lani Diane Rich!) We’ve got another eight sentences from The Summer of Second Chances, Book 3 in the Women of Willow Bay series. Last Sunday, Ben was shocked when his plain little editor turned into a sexy flirt, and their dinner together was a totally surprising experience. I’m skipping the rest of the supper scene because I think you need to have the full pleasure of reading it in the actual book. Suffice to say, Ben’s relaxed, deciding that his imagination was working overtime. Sophie wasn’t trying to seduce him. Now supper’s over and they’re cleaning up. Still in Ben’s POV…
When they finished eating, she cleared away the dishes, and he helped her carry things into her cottage. In the kitchen, though, Sophie brought him up short, “Ben, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, what?” He glanced up from shoving the cork back in the half-empty wine bottle.
“Are you attracted to me at all?” Her emerald eyes were wide. A tendril of soft dark hair brushed her cheek.
“Oh, Sophie,” Ben answered with a half groan, setting the bottle on the counter.
I hope you continue to be intrigued by Sophie and Ben. Stay tuned for more from The Summer of Second Chances. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Please don’t miss the other Weekend Writing Warriors. Head on over and check out the work of dozens of other writers. You’ll be so glad you did. Here’s a shot of Willow Bay harbor taken from the beach in the village.