Sunday Snippet: A Garden Tour Edition
Confessions time: My brain is mush. I have nothing brilliant or even halfway intelligent to offer this morning. I wish I did. So, this edition of the Sunday Snippet is compliments of my genius writing bestie, Liz Flaherty, who said to me, “Take a picture and write about it.” You get several pictures as I give you a little tour of my gardens or as Liz calls them, my “flowerbeds.” One day, either she or I will explore the difference in those two terms, but not today. Today, I’m going to show you my flowers. First, here’s a shot of my incredible front garden–the window you see is my office…
Sunday Snippet: The How Is It Sunday Again and I’m Meandering Edition
Holy cats, kids, it’s Sunday again! No idea how that happened. It’s been an eventful week here at casa Reinhardt, although as I look back on the last seven days, what sticks out most is work. I’ve been working a lot this month of June and now as July appears on the horizon, I find myself wondering what happened to the first third of summer. Does that ever happen to you? Time just sort of slipping away while you’re trying to plan your life? I keep thinking that one day I’ll be organized and I’ll get to sketching classes and lunch with friends, old and new and time with sister…