Random Stuff
Once again, I’m apologizing for being scarce. Life is so weird right now, I feel like I’m just floating, untethered, through life right now. Oh, there are some anchors–Husband, Son, the lake, my writing, my editing work. I’m not a total basket case.
But here’s the thing. I didn’t expect to feel so ill-at-ease without a house. Me? Seriously? I’m always up for something new. I saw the whole house-selling, house-hunting thing as one huge adventure. I thought I would feel freed after selling the house and that looking for a new one would be a huge kick. Well, selling was simply hard work. We were fortunate that our house sold so quickly because it’s a great house and we had a great realtor.
Moving was arduous and we have stuff stored three different places, including a with a storage service whom we are paying monthly to keep our belongings safe. So to say I can’t find anything would be an understatement. I thought I had done a pretty good job of keeping out what I’d need for this temporary stay at Son’s, and I did if we were only going to be here a month or so. But now, I’m staring autumn in the face and we’re still here and I’ve got to figure out where sweatshirts and jeans are tucked away.
All in all, this has been disconcerting as hell and I’m ready to find our house and get moved in. So, mes amies, here’s the September challenge for you: send good house-finding energy our way, won’t you? Ask the universe to send us our perfect home.
I’m going to work hard at gratitude because I gotta tell you, right now, I’m having a had time being grateful and that’s not a good thing either. So I’m thinking I want to try to put a gratitude list up every day until we find a house. That feels enormous to me at the moment, but so does making a pot of coffee or thinking about what to make for supper tonight, but five things each day. Even if one of them is that the day is over and I haven’t strangled anyone.
On this first day of September, my birth month, I am grateful for:
My health, my writing buddy, Liz (with whom I’ll be going on retreat with in just two weeks!), my family, the lake, and that I’ve finished another book.
Until tomorrow, then, remember to hold your face to the sun, be grateful for all things, and love well. I’m going to work on those three things, too.