Day 8: Gratitude and Brothers

Okay, one brother–mine. He’s turning 64 today and I’ve already texted him a greeting, to which he responded, “Next birthday is 64A. Love you.” I love him, too, of course, and I am intrigued at the idea of switching to letters for birthdays. All in all, it sounds like a good system to me. Thoughts?
It’s a rainy day here at the lake–chilly and a little gloomy, but I’m working anyway, so who cares? I’m beginning to think that we may be done with swimming for this season and that makes me sad. I love to lake swim and right now, I don’t belong to a gym because we are between houses and I wasn’t sure where we would be living. I’m hoping whenever it is we get settled, I’ll find a nice gym with a pool so I can get back into a routine of swimming several times a week. I need water.
Gratitude for today:
Watching the live feed of our church’s Sunday service on FB–it was good to see the choir back after summer hiatus and all the good folks in our congregation. I like the live feed.
Poached eggs on toast for breakfast and apple butter–yum!
Apple season is almost upon us.
I made Husband potato salad yesterday and he really enjoyed it…and still is.
Just 6 days until writing retreat in Michigan!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, mes amies, stay well, and keep in touch!