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Book Blast Tour!

I know I owe this blog about fourteen days of gratitude and one huge day of gratitude for something that’s in the works. I purposely haven’t posted here for a couple of reasons. One is that although I don’t really believe in jinxing something by talking about it, I’m reluctant to start celebrating before it’s time. So hold tight and I promise, there will be news. The other reason is just plain busyness. Life has been complicated and so overwhelming for the past couple of weeks. But I’m here now and with some fun news.

Goddess Fish promotions is doing a Book Blast Tour for me December 2 through 6 to help me launch Christmas with You, book 3 in the Four Irish Brothers Winery series. Would love to have you sign up to participate. They send you everything you need to post, so all you have to do is post it. Merci, in advance!

I’m working on book 4 of the series and a proposal for a cozy for my publisher. Hold a good thought, okay? Gratitude for today:
Our kids and how gracious they’ve been to let us camp out in their basement while we house hunt.
Grandboy, who is such a sweet, sweet soul.
My editing work has slowed enough for me to breathe deeply at a time when deep breaths are what I need most in the world.
Hopefulness about house hunting
The lake, which is often the source of peace.

Have a good day today, mes amies, and remember to hold your face to the sun, be grateful for all things, and love well!

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