Sunday Snippet: The How Does It Happen Edition
It’s July. How did that happen? I’ve been married for 50 years! How did that happen? Grandboy is 11. How did that happen? I’ve got 14 published novels and another two on the way in 2023, plus I’m contracted to write four more books for Tule. Whew–how did that happen? I’ll be 70 in two months, how the hell did that happen? Can you tell I’m a little overwhelmed with… well, life stuff and work stuff at the moment? I am, yet I go on ahead and do what needs doing because don’t we all? Right now, it’s all about the writing… People ask me all the time, “How do…
Sunday Snippet: The I’m Not Really Here Edition
Hey mes amies, It’s been a crazy week–Husband and I are celebrating our 50th anniversary with a little break from life. I’m still writing, but there’s other shenanigans going on, too. I’ll be back next week with so fun stuff to tell you, pictures, and a lot of gratitude! Meanwhile, stay safe, stay well, be kind, and most of all, stay grateful!