
Weekend Writing Warriors 8-Sentence Sunday #5


WEEKEND WRITING WARRIORSAnother snippet from The Music Is You, my current WIP. Carrie has confronted her old friend and former teacher, demanding to know how Maestro Liam Reilly has shown up in Frankfort, Michigan. Eliot confesses he invited him, telling her she needs to face him and deal with their issues. Carrie spends a sleepless night wondering how she’s going to cope with Liam’ s sudden reappearance in her life after all these years, but the next morning…

Barefoot, she ran down the steps from the loft. Eliot had a lot of nerve showing up this early. Surely he knew she didn’t get any sleep last night. She threw open the door. “I’m not speaking to you.”

“You haven’t spoken to me in over fifteen years. What else is new?”

She gasped as her sleep-drugged mind registered the identity of the man standing on the other side of the screen door.

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