Writer's moments

Weekend Writing Warriors 8-Sentence Sunday

wewriwa_square_2Sunday’s come round again and here’s another snippet from Sex and the Widow Miles. We’re still in the chocolate lava cake kiss scene and Julie’s toes are curling as Will takes the kiss as far as he can with a granite countertop barrier between them. But then…he surprises her…

When I opened my eyes, he was staring at me; heat flared in his expression, his pupils were pinpricks of emotion, and he swallowed hard.

My libido shouted at me to grab him and haul him to the closest bed. When I met his gaze, I knew in that moment all I had to do was give him a sign and he’d make love to me right then and there. Dear God, I wanted to, more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life, but I didn’t say a word.

His breathing stuttered and his hands on my face shook. Then he surprised the hell out of me. He closed his eyes, and a deep breath later, tucked my tousled hair behind my ear and brushed his lips over mine.

“Good night, Slugger, thanks for dinner. It was great.”

Thanks for stopping by and please don’t miss the other Weekend Writing Warriors.   Head on over and check out the work of dozens of other writers. You’ll be so glad you did!

OMFTT.final_thumbnailSATWM.final_thumbnailAnd watch for the first two books in The Women of Willow Bay series, ONCE MORE FROM THE TOP and SEX AND THE WIDOW MILES, coming September 26 to an e-reader near you!