Writer's moments

8-Sentence Sunday

wewriwa_square_2It’s rolled around again, hasn’t it? Now…where were we? Oh, yeah, Ben’s trying to figure out what happened to his sweet little editor and Sophie’s giving seduction her best effort…

Her voice was husky as she looked up at him from under her lashes.

With that, he lost the tiny grip he had on his self-control. Groaning, he pulled her into arms. She melted against him, kissing him hungrily, opening her lips to his. His restless hands moved over her back, finding the hem of her tank top and then touching soft skin.

“You’re killing me here, Russo,” he murmured against her lips. “God, you’re irresistible.” Taking her lips again, his tongue plunged into her mouth.

Okay, he folded…but give them a few more 8-Sentence Sundays. We’ll let them enjoy this because by the end of June, you’re going to hate me… Here’s a picture of Johnny Depp just to make it all easier.johnnydepp

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you continue to be intrigued by Sophie and Ben. Stay tuned for more from The Summer of Second Chances. Comments are welcomed and encouraged. Please don’t miss the other Weekend Writing Warriors.  Head on over and check out the work of dozens of other writers. You’ll be so glad you did.